Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 +61 3 7016
Preventive Health
Advanced technology
Regenerative medicine technologies
Development and commercialization
Cellular Clinical Research
Innovation for medical practitioners

Urinary & Reproductive Health Rejuvenation

Adding Life to Life
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Applications of Stem Cells(svCell)in the Reproductive System

Ovarian Failure Repair
Stem cell therapy offers promising potential in repairing ovarian failure by promoting the regeneration of ovarian tissue and restoring hormonal balance, which can improve fertility outcomes.


Endometrial Damage Repair
Stem cells can aid in the repair of endometrial damage by enhancing tissue regeneration and improving the functional capacity of the endometrium, which is crucial for successful implantation and pregnancy.


Treatment of Vaginal Atrophy
For conditions such as vaginal atrophy, stem cell therapy can facilitate the regeneration of vaginal tissues, alleviating symptoms like dryness and discomfort, thereby improving overall vaginal health.


Erectile Dysfunction Treatment
Stem cell therapy has shown potential in treating erectile dysfunction by promoting the repair of penile tissue, enhancing blood flow, and improving erectile function.

Applications of Stem Cells(svCell)in the Urinary System

Kidney Regeneration and Repair
Stem cell therapy can contribute to the regeneration and repair of kidney tissues, potentially improving renal function in patients with chronic kidney disease or acute kidney injuries.


Bladder Function Restoration
Stem cells can aid in the restoration of bladder function by regenerating bladder tissue and improving the structural and functional integrity of the bladder, which is beneficial for conditions such as interstitial cystitis.


Treatment of Urinary Incontinence
Stem cell therapy offers a novel approach to treating urinary incontinence by promoting the regeneration of tissues involved in bladder control, thereby reducing symptoms and improving quality of life for patients.

Ovarian Tissue Freezing

Ovarian tissue freezing, also known as ovarian tissue cryopreservation, is a fertility preservation technique where ovarian tissue is surgically removed, frozen, and stored for future use. This procedure is particularly beneficial for women who may lose ovarian function due to medical treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation. The frozen tissue can later be thawed and reimplanted to restore fertility and hormonal function, offering hope for women who wish to conceive after undergoing treatments that affect their reproductive health.

StemCell(svCell ) therapy potential benefits

svCell therapy, is an Australian patented biotechnology process, that has been used as a complementary approach to treat osteoarthritis in Australia and the United States for many years.

The potential benefits of using svCell therapy in the clinical treatment of osteoarthritis in Australia include:

as the svCell ultrasonic cavitation process uses a person’s own cells, there is a reduced risk of infection or disease transmission;

as the svCell concentration process does not culture cells, there is no risk of rejection or allergic reaction.

svCell therapy has the potential for therapeutic advantage as it contains a mix of regenerative cells, with some scientific research suggesting that this mixed cell population may provide superior treatment.

Is the Stem Cell(svCell)therapy safe?

Autologous adipose-derived svCell therapy has a reduced risk of adverse reactions or serious side effects.

As the treatment is autologous, with the svCell regenerative cells derived from the patient’s own body, there is a lower risk of infection or disease transmission. Using the patient’s own, uncultured cells reduces potential risks and complications as associated with rejection and allergic reactions.

The ultrasonic cavitation concentration process does not use any enzymes or animal products.. Within a relatively short period of time, potentially within 4 hours, the patient’s cells are concentrated and injected. As a result, there is a reduced chance of infection, disease transmission, bacterial contamination, or allergic reaction.

Over the last 12 years, there has been a body of evidence in peer-reviewed scientific literature supporting the safety of svCell in the treatment of osteoarthritis for knee and hip disease.

What is involved in a StemCell(svCell )therapy procedure?

The svCell therapy procedure involves removing adipose (fat) tissue from the patient’s abdomen, concentrating a mixture of cells, and then re-injecting the cell concentration into the patient’s painful joint(s).

In Australia svCell therapy procedures must be conducted within an accredited hospital setting under medical supervision with patient’s admitted to the hospital as a day surgery patient. The procedure is usually completed within 4 hours after which the patient may go home.


Patients taking Aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications (such as Voltaren and Mobic), corticosteroids, or herbal medications (e.g., Krill oil, fish oil, Vitamin E, and Ginkho Biloba) are advised that these must be discontinued at least 10 days before the procedure, according to standard hospital admission instructions. Those patients taking aspirin (Cartia, etc.), clopidogrel (Plavix or Iscover), warfarin, or anticoagulants for a heart condition or stroke prevention, would be provided specific information by their own doctor on when to stop and restart these medications.

Removal of adipose tissue

Patients receive oral sedation, and local anesthetic, and may be prescribed an antibiotic to reduce the risk of infection and are expected to be comfortable, and relatively pain-free.

A syringe or miniliposuction method is used to extract 60-300ml of adipose (fat) tissue from the patient’s abdomen, as that is all that is required. The amount of fat consumed will be determined by the number of joints to be treated. The treating doctor will explain the method of fat extraction to be used prior to the procedure. Because the procedure is minimally invasive, no stitches are usually needed.

Collect regenerative cells

Following adipose tissue removal, a sterile laboratory technician immediately performs the svCell ultrasonic cavitation process to concentrate the patient’s regenerative cells. A flow cytometer is used to count cells and viability and determine the best dosage for the injection of svCell concentrate.


The injection site is prepared in advance. A Doctor will then inject the svCells into the joint(s).

Where necessary, ultrasound guidance can be used to guide needle placement.

After the injection, patients are monitored for 1 hour before being released to go home.

Please Note: The effectiveness of svCell/iCell therapy can vary based on individual circumstances. We encourage discussions with our medical team to understand how svCell/iCell therapy might align with your needs. Compliance with TGA regulations, Aeterna Health is committed to adhering to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) regulations. All potential benefits mentioned are based on ongoing research patient safety, and informed decision-making.

Request Information

To learn more about the procedures offered, please complete the form below with the procedure you are interested in.

Office Address

Suite 1, 990 Toorak Road, Camberwell VIC 3124

Grayclay College of Health
Level 1, 1 Short Street, Southport QLD 4215

+61 3 7016 0801
+61 7 5531 3738

Office Hours

Monday - Friday09:00-17:00